
Privacy policy


Following the consultation of this website, data relating to identified or identifiable individuals may be collected and processed. The data controller is Jannamico Michele e Figli S.p.A., located in Lanciano, Z.I. Villa Martelli SNC, tax code and VAT number 00087760690. The processing related to the web services of this site takes place at the aforementioned office or at the offices of any third-party “external data processors” specifically appointed in writing (IT companies, freight transport companies, logistics companies, payment service providers, banks, credit recovery companies, credit insurance companies, suppliers, law firms, accounting, tax, and corporate consultancy firms), and is carried out only by technical personnel of the office in charge of processing (usually belonging to the administration, marketing, and IT areas), or by occasional contractors in charge of website maintenance or infrastructure maintenance. No data derived from the web service is communicated or disclosed to third parties.


Navigation data

As for browsing data, we inform you that the computer systems and software procedures used to operate the website acquire, during their normal operation, certain personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. These personal data are not collected to be associated with identified individuals, but by their very nature, through processing and association with data held by third parties, they could allow your identification. This category of personal data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by you when connecting to the website, the URLs of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.), and other parameters related to your operating system and computer environment. These Personal Data are used solely for the purpose of deriving anonymous statistical information about the use of the Website (such as the number of accesses) and to monitor its proper functioning. They are deleted after processing within the period established by the applicable law.

Voluntarily provided data

We inform you that it is possible to access and browse the website without being asked to voluntarily provide any of your personal data. As for the personal data that you may voluntarily provide while using the website, we inform you that the personal data indicated by you to subscribe to the newsletter or through the website registration form may include your name, surname, date of birth, email address, city of origin, as well as information about you derived from the messages that you may transmit to Jannamico Michele e Figli S.p.A.. The provision of data is never mandatory by law, but failure to communicate them could make it impossible, in whole or in part, for the Data Controller to provide the services that may require their collection.

Sensitive data

Jannamico Michele e Figli S.p.A. invites you not to transmit personal data or information that may be classified as sensitive data under the Privacy Code (i.e., personal data that are suitable for providing information about health status, sexual orientation, political and religious beliefs, membership in political parties or political convictions, trade union membership or trade union beliefs, religious beliefs). Jannamico Michele e Figli S.p.A. will not take into account any sensitive data that may be contained in the messages you may transmit through the contact section of the website or by otherwise contacting the company, unless you separately consent in writing to the use of such sensitive data, by sending a specific consent statement via email to the address info@jannamico.com.


The website uses session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies are temporary and are not stored permanently but are automatically deleted each time browsing of the website is abandoned. Permanent cookies, on the other hand, remain on the user’s hard drive until they are deleted.

The cookies on this website do not pose a risk of data acquisition for the user’s computer/browser that accepts them. On the contrary, they allow the user who decides to become our customer to make purchases with total privacy, avoiding the possibility of confusion in our computer system between one customer’s purchase and another customer’s purchase.

The cookies are mainly used for technical purposes to allow for a complete and more efficient use of the Website and/or to track visits to different pages/sections of the Website for statistical purposes. Tools that involve the use of cookies such as Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Mailchimp are employed. You are referred to the respective policies (which may change periodically and are therefore recommended to be consulted over time) where more detailed information is available.




Users can disable the operation of cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate setting on their browser or by visiting Google’s ‘Ad Preferences’ page. However, please note that this decision may prevent the use of certain features of the Site or the ability to interact with the Site.

Purpose of Personal Data Processing

General Purposes: The data may be processed for the correct fulfillment of accounting, tax, commercial obligations, as well as those technical requirements necessary to manage and fulfill your purchase orders, for other mandatory business activities required by law and in any case strictly related to the contractual relationship in place with the data subject.

Purposes of “Direct Marketing”: The data (non-sensitive) may be used, solely and exclusively upon your voluntary, optional, explicit, and revocable consent at any time, for the purpose of sending advertising material/communications via mail, email, fax, SMS, MMS, and similar means. After giving consent, it is still your right to object, at any time and at no cost, to the processing of your data for this purpose.

Purpose of “profiling”: The data (non-sensitive) derived from the type of purchases you make may be used, only and exclusively with your free, optional, specific, and explicit consent, revocable at any time, to identify and define your tastes, preferences, habits, needs, and consumption choices. Dopo aver espresso il consenso, resta comunque il suo diritto opporsi, in qualsiasi momento e senza spese, al trattamento dei suoi dati per questa finalità.

In case of legal proceedings or upon request from competent legal authorities, and in full compliance with applicable laws, we are authorized to provide information regarding a user’s personal data exclusively to such authorities.

Modalità del trattamento dei dati personali”

The processing of personal data will mainly be carried out by electronic and/or automated means, according to the methods and tools suitable to ensure their security and confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of the Legislative Decree. 196/2003. In particular, all technical, computer, organizational, logistical, and procedural security measures will be adopted, as required by the Legislative Decree. 196/2003, in order to ensure the minimum level of protection required by law.

Rights of the data subjects

The individuals to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of such data and to know their content and origin, verify their accuracy, or request their integration, updating, or rectification. They also have the right to request erasure, anonymization, or blocking of data processed unlawfully, as well as to object, on legitimate grounds, to their processing (see Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 for complete information, available online by typing it into any search engine). These rights can be exercised by contacting Jannamico Michele e Figli S.p.A. at the physical address provided above or via email at the following address: info@jannamico.com.